

  • ISO 16604 病毒渗透测试

  • 对应法规:ISO 16604

    Test or certification item 测试或认证名称: 病毒渗透测试
    Test or certification info 测试和认证相关内容:

    The key differences between the ASTM and ISO test methods are the requirement for which method to test (A, B, C, or D) based on the product. 
    Currently our labs offers the viral penetration test method in compliance with ASTM F1671 and ISO 16604 methods A, B, C and D. 
    Please indicate on the sample submission form which side of the material you would like us to challenge. A specimen is a barrier component site or portion to be tested, not multiple sites from the same material (e.g. for a gown the seam is one specimen, the chest is
    a different specimen). Multiple sites of the garment need to be tested (e.g. seam, chest, and/or non-continuous material). Please include 4

    extra specimens.

    Lead time 周期 + Sample size 送样规格: 
     ISO 16604, ASTM F 1671 
    耐湿细菌渗透性 Resistance to Wet Bacterial Penetration 
    送样: per product (set of 5) 
    周期: Turnaround Time: 24 days
     ISO 16604, ASTM F 1671 
    耐干细菌渗透性 Resistance to Dry Microbial Penetration 
    周期: Turnaround Time: 17 days
    送样: Sample Amount: 20  finished products, or 20  samples of ~200 mm x ~200 mm cut from finished products. 2 set (10 replicates; 2 negatives)
     ISO 16604, ASTM F 1671 
    病毒渗透测试 Viral Penetration
    周期: Turnaround Time: 21 days
    送样: Sample Amount: 40 specimens recommended for FDA Submission; each specimen must be 3 x 3 inches (75 mm x 75 mm) minimum. Include 4 extra samples for setup. Compatibility test may be required. Set up and preparation (cutting) fee may be charged per set of 42 specimens
     ISO 16604, ASTM F 1671 
    病毒渗透测试 兼容性  Viral Penetration Compatibility Test
    送样: Required once per material per site tested. Requires 6 extra specimens per material per site.


  • 电话:
  • 02160489864
  • 手机:
  • 13621981331
  • 传真:
  • 地址:
  • 上海市徐汇区天钥桥路329号嘉汇国际B座517室




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